Learning about Alert Center

WhatsUp Gold Alert Center handles alerting on performance monitors, passive monitors, WhatsUp Gold system health, and WhatsUp Gold Flow Monitor plug-in through user-configured thresholds and notification policies.

Alerts Home

The Alerts Home page displays threshold data in dashboard reports. From these reports, you can update out-of-threshold items. For more information, see Using the Alerts Home page.

Threshold Library

Thresholds are the limits that you define for the monitored activity of devices. They help you determine if device activity is exceeding or falling below optimal levels. When WhatsUp Gold logs a device parameter that is operating outside a configured threshold, then it is considered out of threshold. These out-of-threshold occurrences are logged as items. The data for Alert Center items is displayed on the Alerts Home page and in Alert Center reports.

Notification Policies

When monitored activity goes out of threshold and is logged as an item, associated notification policies begin sending notifications to alert users of the problem. These policies can include multiple steps that begin at user-specified intervals to notify multiple people of persisting problems. After you have have fixed a problem, you can notify other users of the fix and stop subsequent steps of a running notification policy. For more information, see About notification policies.

Notification Library

The Notification Library displays the notification types that have been configured for use with the WhatsUp Gold Alert Center.

Running Notification Policies

This report displays a list of notification policies currently running for Alert Center thresholds and stop running policies from continuing to send notifications.

Items Report

This report displays any items that have been found out of threshold during the selected time period. Click each item in the first column to view the item history report for that item.

Log Report

The Log Report reports messages relating to activity within Alert Center. Filter the report by severity and/or date using the lists at the top of the report.

Email Notification Message Settings

Control the number and types of items reported in notification emails using settings in this section of Alert Center.

Data Export Settings

Use this dialog to set the parameters for exporting data from the Alert Center. You can export data to text, Microsoft Excel, or PDF.

Record Maintenance

Use this dialog to configure data expiration settings for the Alert Center Log and Alert Center Items reports.

See Also

Alert Center options

Using the Alerts Home page

Using the Threshold Library

Using Notification Policies

Using the Notification Library

Using Running Notification Policies

Using the Items Report

Using the Log Report

Using Email Notification Message Settings

Using Data Export Settings

Using Record Maintenance