Managing Users

Use this dialog to manage user accounts and user groups.

User Accounts

User accounts allow users to log in to the web interface of WhatsUp Gold and control access to data and functionality either through direct assignment of user rights or by membership in a user group.

User accounts can authenticate using:

User accounts gain user rights when:

There are two default user accounts:

  1. admin account. The admin account is given all user rights, including Manage Users, which grants the the right to create and edit user accounts. The Administrator is also given all group access rights, so that when enabled, this account will be able to view and edit devices in all device groups.
  2. guest. The Guest account allows users to see the application without giving them the ability to modify any settings. By default, all user rights and all group access rights are disabled for this account. This limits the account to only seeing a limited number of things in the application. The admin account (or anyone else with Manage User rights) can modify the Guest account rights using the Manage Users dialog.

The admin account can be used to create additional user accounts as needed.

Note: We recommend limiting the number of users to whom you grant the Manage Users right. If multiple user accounts are given permission to create and delete user accounts, confusion could surface as a result. Open communication between all user accounts with the Manage Users right is crucial to a smooth network management operation.

To manage users:

17123 WUG15.0.1 - Known Issue - Web Interface User Rights - To update the displayed user rights of a user account that has the Manage Users right following upgrade to WhatsUp Gold v15.0 or later, select a user account from the account list, then click Edit. The Edit User dialog appears. Without making any changes to the user rights, click OK. The user rights available to the user prior to the upgrade will be updated. Log out of WhatsUp Gold and log back in. The user account will correctly display the user rights assigned to the user account and the Admin Panel in the Admin tab (Admin > Admin Panel) and other areas of the user interface previously hidden will display.

Important: When upgrading from WhatsUp Gold v14.x or earlier to WhatsUp Gold v15.0 or later, if the Manage Users rights was assigned to an account prior to the upgrade, the displayed user rights may reflect rights that have not been assigned to the user account, causing portions of the web interface to be hidden such as the Admin Panel in the Admin tab. To update the user account to reflect that the rights are assigned to the account, it is necessary to open the edit dialog for the user account, and without making any changes, click OK. This will update the user rights assigned to the account, and after logging out and back into the WhatsUp Gold web interface, the user rights assigned to the user will be correctly displayed.

User Groups

User groups efficiently manage assignment of permissions and rights to user accounts. You can map WhatsUp Gold user groups to Active Directory groups so that users can authenticate and be assigned to WhatsUp Gold groups using their Windows domain credentials.

domain-guests. The domain-guests group is created if you attempt to map AD groups before any WhatsUp Gold user groups have been created, this group is not given any user rights. Any user account with Manage Users can add user group rights to this group.

To manage groups:

To enforce access rights set up in the Device Group Properties dialog:

Click Enable Group Access Rights to enforce access rights set up in the Device Group Properties dialog.

See Also

Managing users and groups

About user rights

Adding and editing user accounts

Adding and editing user groups

About device group access rights