Using the Rules Expression Editor

WhatsUp Gold knows the proper connecting commands for checking the standard services listed on the Services dialog box, but to monitor a custom service, you may want to specify what commands to send to the service and what responses to expect from the service in order for WhatsUp Gold to consider the service UP. You need to determine the proper command strings to expect and send for a custom service.

You can use a rule expression to test a string of text for particular patterns.

After creating and testing the expression, click OK to insert the string into the Match on box.

Note: If you have multiple payload "match on" expressions, they are linked by "OR" logic - not "AND" logic. Example: If you have two expressions, one set to "AB" and the other to "BA", it will match against a trap containing any of the following: "AB" or "BA" or "ABBA".

See Also

Adding and editing a TCPIP Monitor

Types of TCP/IP monitors