This dialog controls how the storage of data is handled in the WhatsUp Gold database. This data is used to populate the various performance reports available in the application.
Performance Monitor
Note: After a database entry is flagged as "deleted," although it still exists in the database, it is no longer included in report data. As new performance monitor data is gathered, database entries flagged as "deleted" are overwritten with new data.
Select the number of days you want to keep active monitor state change data in your database. This is historical data that shows when devices changed state during the monitoring of your network. By default, WhatsUp Gold keeps state change data in your database for 365 days, or 1 year.
Select the number of days you want to keep passive monitor data in your database. This is data gathered by the passive monitors assigned to your devices. By default, WhatsUp Gold keeps passive monitor data in your database for 365 days, or 1 year.
Select the number of days you want to keep WhatsConfigured data in your database. This is data gathered by WhatsConfigured about devices it is monitoring. By default, WhatsUp Gold keeps WhatsConfigured data in your database for 365 days, or 1 year.
Select the number of days you want to keep WhatsVirtual data in your database. This is data gathered by WhatsVirtual about virtual devices monitored by a vCenter server. By default, WhatsUp Gold keeps WhatsConfigured data in your database for 365 days, or 1 year.