Changing how you poll devices

After a device is added to the database, WhatsUp Gold begins monitoring that device using ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol). WhatsUp Gold sends a message to the device, then waits for the echo reply. If no reply is received, WhatsUp Gold considers it an unresponsive device and changes the status color of the device.

By default, WhatsUp Gold uses the device IP address as the message target. If you prefer, you can use the Host name or the Windows name of the computer instead, and you can change how WhatsUp Gold polls the devices.

To change how you poll a device:

  1. Click the Devices tab.
  2. Click Devices. The device list appears.
  3. In the Device List or Map View, right-click a device, then click Properties. The Device Properties dialog appears.
  4. Click General.
  5. Select the protocol used to poll the device from the Polling type list.
  6. Select IP address or Host name from the Poll using list.
  7. If you selected Host name in the Poll using list, enter the device host name the Host name box.
  8. Click OK to save changes.

It is useful to poll using the host name if you want to monitor a device that has a dynamic IP address instead of a static address. To monitor this type of device, choose Host name from the Poll using list. Doing so allows WhatsUp Gold to locate the host using DNS on the network even if the device IP address changes.

See Also

Polling overview

Using Maintenance mode

Changing the device polling frequency

Stopping and starting monitor polling