Viewing Task results

The Task Results dialog displays results for tasks that have been run using the Scheduled Task Library's Run Now option.

To view Task Results for a task:

  1. Select Other Plugins > WhatsConfigured Task Library. The WhatsConfigured Task Library appears.
  2. Select a task, then click Run Now. A dialog displaying the task's progress appears.
  3. When the task completes, click View Results. The Task Results dialog appears.

The dialog displays the following result for a task that was ran using the Run Now option:

Tip: Select a device to view its result information in the following section of the dialog.

Below, the dialog displays device-specific results in six tabs.

Tip: Select a dialog tab to view information for its specific dialog fields.

The Output tab displays the task's result, relevant messages, and a trace of all communication between the device and the WhatsConfigured service.

For each task it displays:

The Script tab displays the task script assigned to this task as it is saved in the Task Script Library, and how the task looks after it is processed through the WhatsConfigured task runner.

For each task it displays:

The Variables tab displays the name and value of all variables associated with the task script.

For each task it displays:

The Commands tab displays a list of the commands as they were interpreted by the WhatsConfigured script runner. It also displays the results of those commands if they were run against the device when the task was run.

For each task it displays:

The Log tab displays any error messages that were logged as the task ran.

The Settings tab displays the protocol credentials used to complete the task.

For each task it displays:

Note: WhatsConfigured defaults to SSH credentials when available. If SSH credentials are not assigned to a device, WhatsConfigured will look for/use Telnet credentials.

See Also

Using Tasks

About Tasks

About the WhatsConfigured Task Library

Assigning a task to a device