New/Edit WhatsConfigured Scheduled Task

Use this dialog to configure a WhatsConfigured Scheduled Task.

Enter or select the appropriate information in the dialog fields.

Tip: Select a dialog tab to view information for its specific dialog fields.

Devices Tab

Use the Devices tab to select the device(s) to which you want to apply the task.

To apply the task to a device:

Click Add. The Select a Device dialog appears.

To remove a device from the task:

Select a device from the list, then click Remove.

Threshold Tab

Use the Threshold tab to configure an Alert Center threshold to notify you on the scheduled task.

  1. Select Enable this threshold to enable and configure the threshold options.
  2. Enter a Name for the threshold. This name is displayed in the WhatsUp Gold Alert Center Threshold Library.
  3. Select to have the Threshold alert when the task Detects configuration changes on a device, if the task matches any of the selected conditions:
    • Detects a successful execution of a task on a device
    • Fails to run for a device
    • Successfully runs for a device
    • Fails this policy

    Note: If you do not see the appropriate policy, or if the list is empty, browse (...) to the Policy Library to configure a new policy.

  4. Select the Notification policy you would like Alert Center to use to notify you when the threshold is met. If the list is empty or you want to configure a new notification policy, browse (...) to the Alert Center Notification Policy Library.

Schedule Tab

Use the Schedule tab to configure the schedule on which you would like the task performed. You can configure the task to run daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or on a custom schedule. You can also specify if this task can be run on demand, outside of the schedule you configure.

Select Enable this schedule to begin configuring the task's schedule.

Run this task

Select the type of schedule you are configuring, then configure its schedule. For more information on configuring a scheduled task, see Configuring scheduled tasks.

Tip: Select the type of schedule you are configuring to view information for its specific dialog fields.

At the bottom of the dialog, select either:

- or -

If you select the first option, specify the appropriate number of backup configuration files that WhatsConfigured should store for each device the to which task is assigned. The default number of backup configuration files saved per device is 5.

See Also

About the WhatsConfigured Task Library

Select Task Type

Configuring scheduled tasks

New/Edit Password Task

Configuring password tasks