Event Log Management (ELM): Alarm Reports

ELM Alarm dashboard reports display ELM Event Alarm-specific database table information. There are three different ELM alarm reports:

The Critical Event Alarms report displays a list of critical events along with event details present in the Event Alarm tables from a given SQL Server ELM database instance. Critical events include error and failure audit event types. To view the details associated with a critical event, click the Event Information link. The Event Alarm Description dialog opens, displaying a description of the critical event alarm.

The Warning Event Alarms report displays a list of warning events along with event details present in the Event Alarm tables from a given SQL Server ELM database instance. Warning events only include warning event types. To view the details associated with a warning event, click the Event information link. The Event Alarm Description dialog opens, displaying a description of the warning event alarm.

The Informational Event Alarms report displays a list of informational events along with event details present in the Event Alarm tables from a given SQL Server ELM database instance. Informational events include information and success audit event types. To view the details associated with an informational event, click the Event Information link. The Event Alarm Description dialog opens, displaying a description of the informational event alarm.

For information on configuring ELM Alarm reports, see Configuring ELM Alarm Reports.

For more information about dashboard reports, see the Adding dashboard reports to a dashboard view help topic.

See Also

ELM reports

Event Log Management (ELM) Reports in WhatsUp Gold Overview

Event Log Management (ELM): Summary Reports