Test LDAP credentials

Use the Test LDAP Credentials dialog to test the LDAP or Active Directory credentials you have entered in the LDAP Credentials dialog.

To Test LDAP or Active Directory credentials:

  1. Navigate to the LDAP Credentials dialog (Admin > LDAP Credentials).
  2. Type the LDAP Credentials you want to test using the LDAP Credentials dialog.
  3. Click Test. The Test LDAP Credentials dialog appears.
  4. Type a valid user name that has access to the LDAP or Active Directory server in User name.
  5. Type the password associated with the user name in Password.
  6. Click Test. WhatsUp Gold attempts to connect using the credentials and returns a test success or failure message.
  7. Click OK. The test message closes.
  8. Click Close. The Test LDAP Credentials dialog closes.

See Also

Setting LDAP credentials

Browse Active Directory