Using the Program Options

There are a number of administrative features available in the WhatsUp Gold console Program Options.

Note: Program Options are only available from the WhatsUp Gold console.

To access the WhatsUp Gold console Program Options:

  1. Click Start > Programs > Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold > WhatsUp Gold. The WhatsUp Gold console application appears.
  2. Click Configure > Program Options. The Program Options dialog appears.
  3. Select options as required.

In This Section

Enabling the polling engine

Enabling actions

Enabling performance monitors

Enabling WhatsVirtual event collection

Enabling the Ping Throttle

Enabling the SNMP Trap Listener

Enabling the Windows Event Log listener

Enabling the Syslog listener

Enabling FIPS 140-2 mode

About the WhatsUp Gold default SSL certificates

Changing the device state colors or icons

Passive Monitor Listeners

Changing how long report data is stored

Selecting a display font

Changing clock/regional preferences

Changing the date and time format

Using the WhatsUp Services Controller