Flow Monitor Home

The Flow Monitor Flow Sources page provides a summary of the current usage and status of Flow Monitor sources, and acts as the Home page for the Flow Monitor plug-in. The left and right panes of the content pane display different types of data; Flow Sources on the left and Source and Interface Details on the right. Click Flow Monitor > Flow Sources to open the Flow Monitor Flow Sources screen.

Flow Sources

Flow Monitor sources

The left pane of the page lists each of the monitored sources and the interfaces associated with each source.

In the Flow Sources title bar, the number of licensed sources and total licenses available is displayed along with the total number of flows per second received by all of the licensed sources. For example, the following (2/10 sources, 65 FPS) indicates that there are 2 licensed sources of 10 available licenses, and that the total flows per second being received by all of the sources is 65 flows per second.

Source and interface details

The right side of the page gives detailed information about a selected source or interface.

Note: If you have not enabled Flow sources at this time, a Welcome dashboard report is displayed on the right side of the Flow Monitor Home page. Consult this dashboard report for information on configuring your routers to send Flow data, and for other general Flow Monitor configuration information.

Source details

Click a source, or device in the list to view the Source details on the right side of the Home page.

Note: The sample rate appears for only for sources sending sampled NetFlow data.

Note: If any traffic has been received within the last 30 minutes, the traffic status is displayed as receiving.

Use the Source Properties link at the bottom of the source details to view the Flow Source dialog and use the Interface links to view the WhatsUp Gold Interface Details report.

Note: A link for the WhatsUp Gold Interface Details report appears only if the source is monitored in WhatsUp Gold.

Interface details

Click a source device interface in the list to view the Interface details on the right side of the Home page. The Interface Traffic report for the last collection interval is displayed at the top of the interface's details.

Use the links at the bottom of the interface details to view the Interface Details and Interface Overview reports, as well as the Flow Interface Properties.

Exporting, emailing, scheduling and managing reports

Use the Export Export button icon, at the top right of the page, to export reports. Use the Email Email button icon to E-mail a report or to manage Scheduled Reports. For more information see, Using Scheduled Reports in Flow Monitor: printing, exporting, and emailing reports.

Host Search

Use the Host Search tool in the upper-right side of the page to locate traffic to or from a host or group of hosts.

To perform a host search:

  1. Enter search criteria, such as an IP address or host name, in the Host search field.
  2. Click the search button .
    • When a host name is entered for search, the Host Search dialog appears with a list of interfaces where traffic to that host has been logged. You can use the search options in the Host Search dialog to further narrow your search. For more information, see the Flow Monitor Host Search dialog help.
    • When a complete IP address is entered for search, the Select Interface dialog appears with a list of interfaces where traffic to that IP has been logged.

Note: The Domain, Country, and Last Resolved fields may show as Not Available if the IP address is not available in the DNS.

Tip: Use the right-click menu on this page to view and configure parts of the application. For more information, see Using the Flow Home page right-click menu.