Flow Database Table Maintenance

Use the Flow Database Table Maintenance dialog to perform table maintenance on the Flow Monitor database and archive database.

Flow Monitor Database Table Maintenance

Regularly purging database tables can improve performance of Flow Monitor.

Important: Purged data cannot be recovered. Make sure that you export and save any Flow data you need for your records.

Stopping the Ipswitch Flow Collector service

To perform any of the purge actions listed in this dialog, you must first stop the Flow Collector service.

Click Stop service to stop the collector while you perform database maintenance.

Selecting items to purge

When the Ipswitch Flow Collector service has been stopped, you can select the Flow Monitor database tables you want to purge.

Maintaining log data during a purge

You can configure Flow Monitor to keep a given number of days of log data during a purge of the Log table.

Enter the number of days of logs you want Flow Monitor to maintain in Delete log records older than xx days. Log data that is older than the configured number of days will be purged from the Log table.

Restarting the Ipswitch Flow Collector service

After you have selected or configured all of the appropriate database table maintenance tasks, select Start Ipswitch Flow Collector service upon completion. This restarts the service so that Flow data collection can resume.

Review your selections, then click OK to begin database maintenance. The database maintenance process could be lengthy depending on the size of the tables in your Flow Monitor database and archive database.

Important: Do not navigate away from this page or close the Web browser until the process finishes completely. Failure to wait on the process to complete may result in database corruption or data loss.