Problem Areas Specific Device: Tail of Action Activity Log

This device-level dashboard report shows the tail (last 10 records) from the Action Log for a specified device. Placing this dashboard report in a device dashboard grants visual access to the success rate of actions fired for a particular device. Crucial devices can be monitored easily, and problems can be dealt with swiftly. For more information, the dashboard report is linked to the full Action Log, which shows all of the actions that WhatsUp Gold has attempted to fire on the device, based on the configuration of the action.

To configure this dashboard report in WhatsUp Gold:

  1. In the title bar of the dashboard report pane, select Menu > Configure. The Configure Report dialog appears.
  2. Enter or select the appropriate information for the following fields.
    • Report name. Enter a title for the dashboard report. This name appears in the title bar of the dashboard report pane.
    • Top count. Enter the number of records you would like displayed in the dashboard report.
    • Column 2 width. Enter a width for the column (in pixels).
  3. Click OK to save changes.

See Also

Problem Areas Specific Device

Problem Areas Specific Device: Down Active Monitors

Problem Areas Specific Device: Device Down Interfaces

Problem Areas Specific Device: Tail of Passive Monitor Error Log

Problem Areas Specific Device: Tail of SNMP Trap Log

Problem Areas Specific Device: Tail of State Change Log

Problem Areas Specific Device: Tail of Syslog

Problem Areas Specific Device: Tail of Windows Event Log

Problem Areas Specific Device: Web Alarms