Setting Dependencies

There are two ways to set dependencies in WhatsUp Gold:

To set dependencies in the Device Properties:

  1. Go to the properties for a device:
    • On the console, from Device View, double-click a device.
    • On the web interface, click the Devices tab, then double-click a device. The Device Status Dashboard for that device appears. Click the Properties button. The Device Properties dialog appears.
  2. Click Polling. The Polling, Maintenance, and Dependencies dialog appears.
  3. Click either the Up Dependency... or the Down Dependency... button to bring up the appropriate Device Dependencies dialog, and to configure the up or down dependency.

To set dependencies in the Map View:

  1. Go to Map View:
    • In the console, click the Map View tab. Map View appears.
  2. Right-click a device, select Set Dependencies, then select either Set Up Dependency on or Set Down Dependency on. The cursor changes to the Set Dependency arrow.

  3. Click on any device in the current group to set the dependency.

Note: You cannot set a dependency across groups. However, you can make shortcuts to the devices you want to set a dependency on in a group, then set the dependency to the shortcut.

Tip: To view the dependency between the two devices in Map View, click Display > Polling Dependency Arrows.

See Also

Dependencies overview

Viewing Dependencies