Ping Response Time Last X hours/days (Single Device)

This home-level dashboard report displays ping availability information for devices in a specific group. This dashboard report charts device response time to pings (in msec) over the length of time defined by the specific report.

To configure this dashboard report in WhatsUp Gold:

  1. In the title bar of the dashboard report pane, select Menu > Configure. The Configure Report dialog appears.
  2. Enter or select the appropriate information for the following fields.
    • Report name. Enter a title for the dashboard report.
    • Device. Select a device by clicking the Browse (...) button.
    • Date range. Select a date range from the drop-down menu.
    • Graph type. Select the type of graph you would like the report to display.
    • Trend type. Select the type of trend you would like the report to use.
    • Dimensions. Select the dimension in which you would like the graph to display.
    • Width. Enter a width for the report (in pixels).
    • Height. Enter a height for the report (in pixels).
    • Vertical Axis Scaling. Select either auto or fixed scale.
      • Min. Enter a number for the lowest point on the Y-axis.
      • Max. Enter a number for the highest point on the Y-axis.
    • Graph the maximum. Select this option to display a graph of the maximum value over the selected time period.
  3. Click OK to save changes.

See Also

Ping Availability and Response Time reports

Ping Availability and Response Time dashboard reports

Threshold: Ping Availability

Threshold: Ping Packet Loss

Threshold: Ping Response Time

Ping Availability Last X hours/days (Single Device)

Performance: Last Polled Ping Response Time (Specific Interface)

Top 10: Ping Availability

Top 10: Ping Packet Loss

Top 10: Ping Response Time