WhatsUp web service HTTP responses exceed threshold

This threshold measures the amount of time elapsed between an incoming HTTP request and the completion of the request back to the browser. It does not account for any time required by the browser to render the information returned from the web server. While the largest factor in response time is the database query itself, there may be other issues which are negatively impacting performance. To isolate whether a slow response time from the WhatsUp web interface is because of database latency, follow these steps first:

Windows Vista

  1. On the WhatsUp computer, from open the Reliability and Performance Monitor (perfmon.exe) (Control Panel > System and Maintenance > Performance and Information Tools > Advanced Tools - or - run perfmon.exe).
  2. From the left side of the dialog, select Performance Monitor. The Performance Monitor appears.
  3. Below the graph, clear the selection of any default counters, then click the Add Counter (+) button on the toolbar. The Add Counters dialog appears.
  4. From the list of Available counters, scroll to Ipswitch Web Server and expand the counter.
  5. Select AvgHttpRespTimeMilliSecs, then click Add to add the counter to the list of Added counters.
  6. Select AvgSqlExecTimeMs, then click Add to add the counter to the list of Added counters.
  7. Click OK to add these counters to the Performance Monitor graph.

Windows XP or 2003

  1. On the WhatsUp computer, open the Performance tool (perfmon.exe) (Control Panel > Administrative Tools - or - run perfmon.exe).
  2. Remove any default counters by selecting the counters and then clicking the Delete (X) button on the toolbar.
  3. Click the Add Counter (+) button on the toolbar. The Add Counters dialog appears.
  4. From Performance Object list, select Ipswitch Web Server.
  5. Select the Select counters from list.
  6. Select AvgHttpRespTimeMilliSecs, then click Add.
  7. Select AvgSqlExecTimeMs, then click Add.
  8. Click Close.

Next, perform the web interface request that is performing poorly and note its effect on these counters. You have to wait for the page to completely load for its results to be display here. Similar values between the counters likely indicate a SQL query performance problem. See (*** link to the below "web service SQL queries exceed topic ***) for information on investigating this issue.

If the problem is not database performance, here are some items to examine: