Wireless: Wireless Details

This home-level Wireless Details dashboard report displays a variety of hardware and data details about the selected wireless access point (WAP). If the WAP includes support for multiple radios, for example, 802.11g and 802.11n devices, the values for each radio are provided in a separate column (maximum of three radio columns). You can also click the (WAP) device name link, at the top of the report, to access the device status report. For more information, see Understanding the Device Status dashboard.

If you use the WhatsUp Flow Monitor plug-in with WhatsUp Gold, you can click the NetFlow link icon icon to drill down into the Flow Monitor reports for specific source and destination information about the wireless device and its conversation partners.

The following wireless client information is available in this report by default:

To configure this dashboard report in WhatsUp Gold:

  1. In the title bar of the dashboard report pane, select Menu > Configure. The Configure Report dialog appears.
  2. Enter or select the appropriate information in the following fields.
    • Report name. Enter a title for the dashboard report. This name appears in the title bar of the dashboard report pane.
    • Device. Select a device for the report by clicking the browse (...) button.
  3. Click OK to save changes.

See Also

Wireless reports

Wireless dashboard reports

Wireless: Wireless Active Clients

Wireless: Wireless Errors

Wireless: Last 10 Syslog Messages