About user accounts

User accounts in WhatsUp Gold define a person's role and determine what actions the person can perform.

Default user accounts

There are two default user accounts:

  1. Administrator account. The Administrator account is given all user rights, including Manage Users, which grants the the right to create and edit user accounts. The Administrator is also given all group access rights, so that when enabled, this account will be able to view and edit devices in all device groups.
  2. Guest account. The Guest account allows people to see the application without giving them the ability to modify any settings. By default, all user rights and all group access rights are disabled for this account. This limits the account to only seeing a limited number of things in the application. The Administrator (or anyone else with Manage User rights) can modify the Guest account rights using the Manage Users dialog.

Additional user accounts

The Administrator can create additional user accounts as needed. There is no limit to the number of user accounts allowed on the system, though each additional account does increase the maintenance overhead for WhatsUp Gold. Each time permissions and rights are modified, the Administrator should verify that each user has only the intended rights.

Note: We recommend limiting the number of users to whom you grant the Manage Users right. If multiple user accounts are given permission to create and delete user accounts, confusion could surface as a result. Open communication between all user accounts with the Manage Users right is crucial to a smooth network management operation.

See Also

Managing Users

About user rights

About device group access rights