About the Top 10 workspace

The Top 10 workspace

The WhatsUp Gold Top 10 workspace displays the Top 10 full reports for your network devices. The role of the Top 10 Workspace is to show devices, at a glance, that may be potential problems and to provide information on the current health of your network devices. It is pre-configured to include workspace reports that display data on the top network devices by:

  • Interface Utilization
  • Interface Traffic
  • Ping Response Time
  • Disk Utilization
  • CPU Utilization
  • Memory Utilization

Top 10 Reports

Unlike the Home and Device Status workspaces, the Top 10 workspace is designed with only the General workspace view. You can customize the general view in the same way you can other workspace views by removing the default workspace reports and/or adding other Top 10 and Threshold workspace reports. For more information, see Adding workspace reports to your Home Workspace.

The Top 10 Workspace also displays threshold reports. These reports let you set a threshold to filter out items that do not match a specified criteria. For example, the Interface Utilization Threshold report could have been used (in the example above) instead of the Interface Top 10 report, to filter out the interfaces that are not above 50% utilization. Using this approach, only interfaces with significant usage would be shown.

See Also

About types of workspaces

About the Home Workspace

About the Device Status workspace