Configuring data roll-up intervals

Flow Monitor is designed to serve two primary purposes:

To accomplish these goals while keeping the size of its database reasonable, Flow Monitor uses a process of summarizing data at certain time intervals.

By default, Flow Monitor rolls up data on this schedule:

You can configure the intervals to roll up data more or less frequently depending on your network's size and traffic volume.

To set data roll up time intervals:

  1. From any workspace view or report in the web interface, select GO. The GO menu appears.
  2. If the Flow Monitor section is not visible, click Flow Monitor. The Flow section of the GO menu appears.
  3. Select Configure > Flow Settings. The Flow Settings dialog appears.
  4. Under Report Data, customize the roll up intervals to meet your requirements.

    Important: For recommended settings based on your network's size and characteristics, see the WhatsUp Flow Monitor Performance Tuning Guide.

    • Data collection interval. Select how often Flow Monitor writes raw data from its sources to the database. You may select 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 10 minutes. By default, raw data is written to the database every 2 minutes.

    Note: Modifying collection interval settings affects the granularity you see in Flow Monitor reports. If the interval is set to 5 minutes, you cannot distinguish traffic collected during the first minute from traffic collected during the fourth minute.

    • Resolve private address interval. When the Flow Monitor collector service encounters an IP address, it tries to determine information about the host attached to the IP address. After this information is resolved, it is stored in the Flow Monitor database. Enter the interval (in hours) that you want Flow Monitor to wait, before it checks the private IP address again, to resolve information that may have changed for the address. By default, private addresses are resolved every 48 hours.
    • Resolve public address interval. When the Flow Monitor collector service encounters an IP address, it tries to determine information about the host attached to the IP address. After this information is resolved, it is stored in the Flow Monitor database. Enter the interval (in hours) that you want Flow Monitor to wait, before it checks the public IP address again, to resolve information that may have changed on the address. By default, public addresses are resolved every 720 hours (30 days).

    Tip: Because public IP addresses are less likely to be changed, you may want to use longer intervals than used for the Resolve private address interval option.

    • Expire unclassified traffic after. Enter the number of hours after which Flow Monitor should purge unclassified traffic. Unclassified traffic is traffic transmitted over ports that are currently not monitored by Flow Monitor. By default, this option is set to 0 (zero), which causes Flow Monitor to aggregate and retain data for all unclassified ports as a single value; detailed information about the individual unclassified ports over which traffic was transmitted is immediately discarded.

    Note: The collector will purge any unclassified data that has no activity after the Expire unclassified traffic after value is satisfied.

Data Cleanup

You can use the data cleanup section of the Flow Monitor Settings dialog to set data cleanup parameters for both flow data and interface data. Periodic roll-up and archival of flow data minimizes system resources needed for data storage.

Flow Data Cleanup Settings

Flow data includes many parameters (input and output interfaces, source and destination IP addresses, port numbers, byte rates, flow end times, etc.) which while useful in providing information, may quickly fill available storage. While rolling up the data makes for efficient storage, you may lose time related information about individual flows. The following parameters are used to control the cleanup of flow data.

Interface Data Cleanup Settings

Raw interface data is provided by the flow collector, or the collector can be configured to collect raw interface data directly from the network device when the collector is receiving sampled flow data. This raw interface data is used to represent total interface traffic for the period and to calculate 95th percentile values for the Interface Overview and Interface Usage reports. Because of the data compaction, interface data has a smaller impact on data storage, so it can be maintained for longer periods of time.

The following parameters are used to control the clean up of interface data.

  1. Click OK to save changes.

    Important: Any changes made to data roll up intervals are not enforced until the Flow Monitor collector service is restarted. For more information, see Stopping or restarting the collector.

See Also

Configuring WhatsUp Flow Monitor

Flow Monitor Sources

Monitoring traffic on non-standard ports

Classifying traffic that is considered unclassified

Managing users and user rights

Setting the logging level

Backing up and restoring the Flow Monitor databases

Stopping or restarting the collector

Using Flow Groups