Selecting Flow Monitor threshold hosts
For each Flow threshold that you configure you can include a list of Flow Monitor groups, hosts, or a range of IP addresses to which the threshold will not apply.
To configure a list of Flow threshold exceptions:
- Go to the Alert Center Home page:
- From the web interface, click . The GO menu appears.
- If the WhatsUp section is not visible, click . The WhatsUp section of the GO menu appears.
- Select . The Alert Center Home page appears.
- Click . The Alert Center Threshold Library appears.
- Create a new Flow threshold.
- Click . The Select Threshold Type dialog appears.
- Select the desired Flow threshold type, then click. The threshold properties dialog appears.
- Under Hosts to monitor, click. The Threshold Hosts dialog appears.
- Select the hosts to which the threshold will apply.
- To apply the threshold to all hosts except the Flow groups, hosts, or IP range that you specify, click . After you select this option, you will choose the hosts to exclude from the threshold.
- To apply the threshold to only the Flow groups, hosts, or IP range that you specify, click . After you select this option, you will choose the hosts to include in the threshold.
- Select the specific hosts to include or exclude from the threshold.
- To specify a Flow Group to include or exclude from this threshold, in the upper section of the dialog, click .
: To delete a Flow group, host, or IP range from the list, select it, then click .
- To specify a single host or IP address to include or exclude from this threshold, enter a , then click .
- To specify an IP address range to include or exclude from this threshold, enter a and an , then click .
- Click to save changes.