Saving discovery results

You can save the results of a network discovery to return to at a later time. This is useful if you are discovering a large network and will be creating device groups and adding devices over more than one session.

To save the results of a discovery session:

Important: When you save the device discovery results, the list of devices found in the discovery are saved. This does not save the devices to the WhatsUp Gold database.

  1. From the Discovery console, click File > Save Discovery Results. The Save Discovery Session dialog appears.
  2. Enter a Name and Description for the saved discovery session, then click OK. The discovery session is saved under the Saved Results tab.

To open a saved discovery session:

Caution: Saved results are not updated when they are opened. If your network changes between the time of the initial scan and when you open the saved results, the saved results will not be accurate.

  1. From the Discovery console, select the Saved Results tab.
  2. Select the saved discovery session that you want to open, then click View. The saved discovery session results appear in the Devices Discovered pane.

See Also

Configuring and running discovery

Configure discovery settings

Running discovery

Add discovered devices to WhatsUp Gold