To configure a failover threshold:
Specify a Name for the threshold; this name is displayed as the threshold's workspace report title on the Alert Center Home page.
As you specify the desired threshold criteria settings, this description updates to verbally illustrate the threshold you have configured.
Select the desired threshold criteria variables and values. You can configure the threshold to alert you when any event occurs, when an error occurs, or when an informational event occurs. By default, the threshold is configured to alert you when any event has occurred in Failover.
Select the notification policy you would like to apply to this threshold. This policy begins sending notifications when an item falls out of the threshold you configure above. If you do not see an appropriate threshold policy, or if the list is empty, browse (...) to the Notification Policy dialog to configure a new policy.
Note: It is not required that you select a notification policy for use with every threshold. If you do not select a notification policy, no notifications are generated for the threshold, but a workspace report with the out of threshold items will still appear on the Alert Center Home page.
Threshold check
Enter a value for the threshold check interval, or the interval at which the Alert Center checks the WhatsUp Gold database to see if there are items that are out of the threshold's parameters. The default polling interval is 5 minutes.