Moving workspace reports within a workspace view

WhatsUp Gold supports drag-and-drop within the web interface. You can move a workspace report from one column of a workspace view to another, or position a workspace report above or below another workspace report, by selecting it and dragging it to another area of the workspace view. These location changes are saved: workspace reports will appear in the location to which you moved them after logging out from the web interface or after moving between workspace views.

Drag Report

To move a workspace report:

  1. Select the title bar of the report you want to move, then drag it to the desired location. A red box highlights the area that the report will be placed when the mouse button is released.
  2. Release the mouse button to place the report in the new page location. If you want to cancel the move, while the report is selected, press the Esc key on your keyboard.

See Also

Using Workspace Reports

Learning about workspace reports

List of workspace reports

Flow Monitor workspace reports

About the workspace report menu

Configuring a workspace report

Device Group Mini Status workspace report