Discovery Role Editor - Passive Monitors tab

How to get here

Use this dialog to select the Passive Monitors for the device role you are defining. Passive monitors are the WhatsUp Gold feature responsible for listening for device events. As active monitors actively query or poll devices for data, passive monitors passively listen for device events. Because passive monitors do not poll devices on a regular basis, they use less network bandwidth than active monitors.

Passive monitors are useful because they gather information that goes beyond simple Up or Down service and device states by listening for a variety of events. For example, if you want to know when someone with improper credentials tries to access one of your SNMP-enabled devices, you can assign the default Authentication Failure passive monitor. The monitor listens for an authentication failure trap on the SNMP device, and logs these events to the SNMP Trap Log. If you assign an action to the monitor, every time the authentication failure trap is received, you are notified as soon as it happens. For more information, see Using Passive Monitors.

SNMP passive monitors. This passive monitor listens for SNMP traps, or unsolicited SNMP messages, that are sent from a device to indicate a change in status. Select the following WhatsUp Gold passive monitors you want to include in the discovery role template you are defining:

For more information, see SNMP Passive Monitor Instance.

Syslog passive monitors. This passive monitor listens for Syslog messages forwarded from devices regarding a specific record and/or text within a record. Select the WhatsUp Gold Syslog passive monitors you want to include in the discovery role template you are defining. The passive monitors are populated in this section based on the Syslog monitors that are available in the Passive Monitor Library. For more information, see Syslog Passive Monitor Instance.

Windows event log passive monitors. This passive monitor listens for any WinEvent; for example a service start or stop, or logon failures. Select the WhatsUp Gold passive monitors you want to include in the discovery role template you are defining. The passive monitors are populated in this section based on the Windows Event Log monitors that are available in the Passive Monitor Library. For more information, see WinEvent Instance.