Configuring the interface monitor collection settings

To configure the interface utilization monitor collection settings for a device:

  1. On the Device or Map View, right-click a device, then select Properties. The Device Properties dialog appears.
  2. Click Performance Monitors. The Device Properties - Performance Monitors dialog appears.
  3. Under Enable global performance monitors, select Interface Utilization, then click Configure. The Configure Interface Utilization dialog appears.
  4. Enter or select the appropriate information in the following fields.
    • Collect data for. Select the interface(s) for which you want to gather data. You can select all interfaces, active interfaces, specific interfaces, or custom active interfaces. If you select custom active interface, you will specify to track high speed interfaces, interfaces whose name contain a certain variable, or interfaces that match a certain type. Additionally, if you chose to track a specific interface, you can override the interface's Speed.

    Note: When a device is discovered for the first time with Interface Utilization enabled in the discovery role or if the device previously existed with Interface Utilization enabled, the Collect errors and discards data for selected interfaces option is automatically selected.

    Important: Be aware when you use the Collect errors and discards data for selected interfaces feature, it has potential to increase the database size quickly because there is potential for a significant amount of errors and discards data. You can set WhatsUp Health thresholds, in the Alert Center, to stay informed when the database size exceeds specified thresholds. For more information, see Configuring system thresholds.

    Tip:To disable the errors and discards data collection, you can disable for the individual device (Device Properties > Performance Monitor) or disable for multiple devices with the bulk field change option:
    1. Select multiple devices that have the Interface Utilization performance monitor enabled, right-click, then select Bulk Field Change > Performance Monitors. The Bulk Field Change dialog appears.
    2. In the Interface section of the dialog, under the Collect errors and discards data for enabled interfaces list, click Yes.
    For more information, see Editing multiple devices with the Bulk Field Change feature.

    • Collect errors and discards data for all selected interfaces. Select this option to collect the following device interface data:
      • ifInErrors. Lists the number of inbound packets with errors, on the selected interface, that prevent the packets from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. The associated OID is
      • ifOutErrors. Lists the number of outbound packets with errors, on the selected interface, that prevent the packets from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. The associated OID is
      • ifInDiscards. List the number of inbound packets, on the selected interface, that were discarded though no errors were detected to prevent their transmission. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. The associated OID is
      • ifOutDiscards. List the number of outbound packets, on the selected interface, that were discarded though no errors were detected to prevent their transmission. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. The associated OID is

    Note: All of the above OIDs point to values of type "counter," and therefore their raw value by itself is not meaningful. The difference between the values obtained from two consecutive polls provides meaningful data.

    • Data collection interval. Enter how often (in minutes) you want data to be collected for the selected interfaces. This number represents the number of minutes between each collection.

    Tip: Click Advanced to specify the timeout and number of retries, how WhatsUp Gold is to determine uniqueness when the monitor is tracking more than one disk, and which interface traffic counters to poll.

  5. Click OK to save changes.