Creating global SNMP performance monitors

To create an SNMP performance monitor for system-wide use:

  1. Go to the Performance Monitor Library:
    • From the web interface, click GO. The GO menu appears.
    • If the WhatsUp section is not visible, click WhatsUp. The WhatsUp section of the GO menu appears.
    • Select Configure > Performance Monitor Library. The Performance Monitor Library appears.
      - or -
    • From the main menu bar of the console, select Configure > Performance Monitor Library. The Performance Monitor Library appears.
  2. Click New. The Select Performance Monitor Type dialog appears.
  3. Select SNMP Performance Monitor, then click OK. The Add SNMP Performance Monitor dialog appears.
  4. Enter a Name and short Description for the monitor, as it will appear in the Performance Monitor Library.
  5. Click the browse (...) button next to Instance to access the SNMP MIB Browser. The MIB Browse dialog appears.
  6. Enter the or select (using the browse (...) button) the IP address of the computer to which you want to connect to browse MIBs.
  7. Select the SNMP credential set used to connect to the device to which you are attempting to connect.

    Tip: If you do not see the appropriate credential set listed, click the browse (...) button to access the Credentials Library where you may create a new set of SNMP credentials.

  8. Optionally, adjust the values for the Timeout and number Retries, then click OK. The SNMP MIB Browser appears.

    SNMP MIB Walker

  9. Use the navigation tree in the left panel to select the MIB for which you want to monitor.
  10. In the right pane, select the specific property of the selected MIB for which you want to monitor.

    Tip: The bottom of the dialog displays any available information about the property/value pair.

  11. Click OK to add the OID to the Performance counter and Instance fields of the Add SNMP Performance Monitor dialog.
  12. Verify the configuration of the monitor, then click OK to add the monitor to the Performance Monitor Library.
  13. After the monitor has been added to the library, you can enable the monitor through Device Properties > Performance Monitors. For more information, see Enabling global performance monitors.