Configuring email notification message settings

To configure email notification message settings:

  1. Go to the Configure Email Notification Message dialog:
    • From the web interface, click GO. The GO menu appears.
    • If the WhatsUp section is not visible, click WhatsUp. The WhatsUp section of the GO menu appears.
    • Select Alert Center > Email Notification Message Settings. The Configure Email Notification Message dialog appears.
  2. Select or specify the appropriate information into the dialog fields.

    Max email items

    • Enter a number for the Maximum newly alarmed items that are to be displayed in an email message.
    • Select Show currently alarmed items to display currently alarmed items in email messages.
    • Enter a number for the Maximum currently alarmed items that is to be displayed in an email message.

    Alert Center home page link

    Select Insert link to Alert Center home page to include a link to the Alert Center in the notification message sent to users from the Alert Center.

    If you select this option, be sure to specify the Alert Center Link. For example, http://localhost:80.

  3. Click OK to save changes.