Creating device-specific WMI performance monitors

To create a device-specific APC UPS performance monitor:

  1. In Device or Map View, right-click a device, then select Properties. The Device Properties dialog appears.
  2. Click Performance Monitors. The Device Properties - Performance Monitors dialog appears.
  3. Under Enable individual performance monitors, click New. The Select Performance Monitor Type dialog appears.
  4. Select APC UPS Performance Monitor, then click OK. The Add APC UPS Performance Monitor dialog appears.
  5. Enter the Name and short Description for the monitor, as it will appear in the Performance Monitor Library.
  6. Enter or select the appropriate information in the following fields.
    • Data collection interval. Enter how often (in minutes) you want data to be collected for the selected APC UPS. This number represents the number of minutes between each collection.
    • Timeout. Enter the amount of time (in seconds) WhatsUp Gold should wait for a response to the poll.
    • Retries. Enter the number of times you want to attempt to make the connection to the selected device.
  7. Verify the configuration of the monitor, then click OK to add the monitor to the device's Properties.