Assigning a task to a device

Tasks are assigned to individual devices from either the Device Properties - Tasks dialog or when configuring the task in the Task Library.

Tasks attached to a device are displayed in the Device Properties Tasks dialog

To assign a WhatsConfigured task to a device from Device Properties:

  1. In the Device List or Map View, right-click a device, then click Properties. The Device Properties dialog appears.
  2. Click Tasks. The Tasks section of Device Properties appears.
  3. Under WhatsConfigured tasks attached to this device, click Add. The Add Task to Device dialog appears.
  4. Select the task that you want to assign to the device, then click OK. If the list is empty, or you do not see the task you want to assign, browse (...) to the WhatsConfigured Task Library to configure a new task.

For information on assigning a device during task configuration, see Configuring Tasks.