Configuring Windows credentials

The Windows Credential Library stores login information necessary for heartbeat communications between the primary and secondary Failover machines. You need to configure appropriate Windows credentials for both the primary and secondary machines in order for WhatsUp Gold Failover to successfully implement your Failover solution.

To configure Windows Credentials:

  1. Open the Windows Credentials Library:
    • From the main menu of the WhatsUp Gold console, select Tools > Failover Console. The WhatsUp Gold Failover Console appears.
    • Click Configure. The Failover Service Configuration dialog appears.
    • Click Advanced. The Advanced Failover Settings dialog appears.
    • Next to Primary credentials, click the browse (...) button. The Windows Credentials Library appears.
  2. Click New to create a new Windows credential to add to the library. The Windows Credential dialog appears.
  3. Enter or select the appropriate information in the following fields.
    • Name. Enter a name for the set of credentials. This name appears in the Windows Credentials Library.
    • Description. Enter a short description for the set of credentials. This description is displayed next to the credential name to help you differeniate credential sets.
    • Domain\User ID. Enter the domain or user ID associated with the machine to which you want to connect.
    • Password. Enter the password associated with the domain or user ID listed above.
    • Confirm Password. Re-enter the password.
  4. Click OK to save changes.