Performing an archive search

To perform an archive search:

  1. Go to the Archive Search dialog:

    From the main menu of the WhatsUp Gold console, select Configure > WhatsConfigured Archive Search. The Archive Search dialog appears.

  2. Click Add. The Select Device dialog appears.
  3. Select the device(s) for which you want to perform an archive search, then click OK.
  4. Specify the Search Criteria:
    • Select an Archive Key for which to refine search results. For example, to view running config archives, select the running-config key from the list. This list is populated with all of the keys from the archived configuration files for the selected device(s). To view all possible archives, select All.
    • To view only the latest archives for the selected device(s), select Lastest Archive Only.
    • Enter a Search Pattern for which the search should attempt to find in the archived config files. This can be a phrase or regular expression.
    • Select Regular Expression for the contents of search pattern to be interpreted as a regular expression.
    • If the contents of the search pattern are case insensitive, select Ignore Case.

    Tip: Select a device, then click Remove to delete it from the list.

  5. Click Search. The dialog displays the following Search Results in the bottom half of the dialog:
    • The Archive Key under which the file was saved in the database.
    • The Device for which the config file was saved.
    • The time at which the configuration file was created (Time Created).
    • The name of the configuration task for which the file was collected (Created by).

    Tip: Select an archive file, then click View to see the specific archived file.