Configuring a policy

To configure a WhatsConfigured Policy:

  1. On the WhatsUp Gold console, select Configure > WhatsConfigured Policy Library. The WhatsConfigured Policy Library appears.
  2. Click New. The WhatsConfigured Policy dialog appears.

    - or -

    Select an existing policy, then click Edit. The WhatsConfigured Policy dialog appears.

    WhatsConfigured Policy dialog

  3. Enter a Name for the policy. This name is displayed in the WhatsConfigured Policy Library.
  4. Enter a short Description for the policy. This description is displayed next to the policy's name in the WhatsConfigured Policy Library.
  5. In the following sections of the dialog, you have the opportunity to specify strings that you either expect or do not expect to see within the configuration files the policy audits. You can choose to enter only include patters, only exclude patterns, or both.

    Note: The more restrictive the audit criteria, the less audit results you may obtain as a result.

  6. Under the Include Patterns section of the dialog, click Add to enter a string that you expect to see in the archived configuration files. Additionally,
    • Select RegEx if you want the string to be interpreted as a Regular Expression.
    • Select Ignore Case the case of the string is irrelevant to the string.

    Tip: Select an include pattern, then click Remove to delete it from the list.

  7. Under the Exclude Patterns section of the dialog, click Add to enter a string that you do not expect to see in the archived configuration files. Additionally,
    • Select RegEx if you want the string to be interpreted as a Regular Expression.
    • Select Ignore Case the case of the string is irrelevant to the string.

    Tip: Select an include pattern, then click Remove to delete it from the list.

  8. Click OK to save changes.