Bridge Port Utilization report

The Bridge Port Utilization report provides a list of the bridge ports available on a network device.

Configuring the Bridge Port Utilization report

To see details on a device:

Select the device and click Details. A Device Viewer appears.

To edit the columns that appear in the report:

Right-click on any column heading, the column selection list appears. In the column selection list, click on the columns you would like to display.

To sort on a column:

Left-click on the column heading. The direction of the arrow indicates the direction of the sort. If the arrow is pointing down, the column is sorted in descending order. If the arrow is pointing up, the column is sorted in ascending order.

To see a print preview, print or save the report to a CSV file:

To print preview, print or save a group of devices to a CSV file:

  1. To create a group, click Ctrl and right-click to select individual devices to add to a group.
  2. On the right-click menu:
    • Click Print Preview to preview the selected devices.
    • Click Print to print the selected devices
    • Click Save to CSV to save the selected devices to a CSV file.