Discovery Console - Discovery Settings

How to get here

Before you can run a discovery scan on your network, you need to configure the discovery settings. The Discovery Settings are located in the Settings column on the left side of the Discovery Console. You can also use the WhatsUp Gold Welcome Center Setup Assistant to step through the discovery setting options.

After running a discovery, use the following sections of the Discovery Console to manage and view discoveries:

Select Discovery Settings

WhatsUp Gold can use several different methods to scan your network. Select the scan type that best fits your network topology.

Scan Settings

Select your scan type preference to discover network devices.


The SNMP, WMI, ADO, Telnet, SSH and VMware credentials defined in the Credentials Library are listed as credential options for the discovery scan. Select the credential(s) to use for the discovery scan. If the credentials you want to use for discovery are not available, click Credentials Library to add new credentials. For more information, see the Credentials Library help.

Scan Method (Ping)

Scan Advanced Settings

Start a discovery session. Click to start a new network discovery using the discovery settings you configured.