Step 3: Installing the WhatsUp Gold Remote Site

The WhatsUp Gold Remote Site monitors devices and network activity for each remote network site. After the Remote and Central Sites are set up and reports are configured on the Central Site, the network status information from each Remote Site is communicated to the Central Site.

You can install and configure WhatsUp Gold Remote Site to use Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition or an existing instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as its database.

Installing WhatsUp Gold Remote Site using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

To install the WhatsUp Gold Remote Site using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition:

Important: WhatsUp Gold Remote Site systems running on Microsoft Windows Vista require a reboot during the install process if .NET 3.5 (SP1) has not been installed prior to the WhatsUp Gold Remote Site install.

  1. Log in directly to Microsoft Windows using the Administrator account (if you do not have an account called Administrator, use an account that has full administrative privileges to the computer).

    Caution: We do not recommend using Terminal Services or Remote Desktop to install WhatsUp Gold Remote Site.

    Note: When installing on Windows Vista, additional steps are necessary for the Task Tray application to work properly. For more information, see Task Tray Application fails on Windows Vista.

  2. Start the installation program:
    • If you downloaded an electronic version of WhatsUp Gold Remote Site, double-click on the downloaded file.
    • If you purchased a WhatsUp Gold Remote Site CD-ROM, insert the CD-ROM into the appropriate drive. If it does not run automatically, click Start, select Run, then enter the CD path followed by AutoRun.exe (for example, D:\AutoRun.exe).
  3. Read the Welcome screen.

    Click a button next to an additional resource to view that resource.

    Click Next. The License Agreement dialog appears.

  4. Read the license agreement. If you accept the terms of the license agreement, select I accept the terms of the license agreement.
    • To print a copy of the license agreement, click Print. The license agreement is sent to the default printer.
    • If you do not accept the terms of the license agreement, click Cancel to exit the installation program.

      Click Next to continue.

  5. Select the install directories for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. The application and data files are installed in default directories. To change the locations, click Browse to find and select a different directory for the application files or the data files.

    Important: Make sure that you have a large capacity drive selected for data storage. The data files for WhatsUp Gold Remote Site can reach a maximum size of 22 GB.

    Important: During the initial installation, databases are created for WhatsUp Gold Remote Site Flow Monitor. These initial databases are limited in size, but are increased the first time the Flow Monitor collector initializes. If at least 16 GB of disk space are available when the collector initializes, the maximum size of the Flow Monitor databases is increased to 4 GB each (16 GB total including transaction logs). If less than 16 GB is available, the maximum size of the Flow Monitor databases is limited proportionately to the amount of free disk space. If your license includes WhatsUp Gold Remote Site Flow Monitor, we strongly recommend that you verify that you have at least 16 GB of free disk space before installing.

    Click Next. The Choose Destination Location dialog appears.

  6. Select the installation directory for the WhatsUp Gold Remote Site application files.

    The default path is C:\Program Files\Ipswitch\WhatsUp. We recommend that you use the default path.

    Tip: You can install WhatsUp Gold Remote Site to a different location. To select a different location, click Change.

    After you select the installation directory, click Next.

    Note: If the installation program detects data from a previous installation of WhatsUp Gold Remote Site, the Back up Web and Report Files dialog appears. We recommend that you select Back up the existing Web and report files, then click Next.

    The Enable Web Server dialog appears.

  7. Determine if you want to enable the WhatsUp web server.
    • To enable the WhatsUp web server, select Yes and enter a port. The default port is 80.

      Note: You must select a port that is not already in use. If the port you enter is in use, you must enter a different port or stop the service using the entered port before you can continue installing WhatsUp Gold Remote Site. If you choose to stop the service running on the port you want to use, you must disable it permanently. If you only disable it temporarily, a port conflict will occur the next time the disabled service is started.

    • To use Microsoft Internet Information Services, select No, then see Configuring the web server.

      After making a selection, click Next.

      Note: If the firewall is enabled when WhatsUp Gold Remote Site is installed, the port you specify is opened in the Windows Firewall. This allows other computers on the network to log on to the WhatsUp Gold Remote Site Web interface.

  8. Enter the information required to connect to the Central Site.
    • In Address, enter the IP address of the Central Site.
    • In TCP Port, enter the port over which the Central Site is listening for connections from the Remote Sites (default port is 9394).

      Tip: After you have entered this information, you can click Test to validate the connection to the Central Site.

    • Enter the User Name and Password that the Remote Site uses to access the Central Site.

      Note: This is the User Name and Password that you set in the Central Site installation program.

      Click Next.

  9. Define the information used to identify the Remote Site to the Central Site.
    • Enter the Remote Site Display Name. This is the Remote Site name that the Central Site uses to identify this Remote Site (for example, Atlanta Office). This name is particularly helpful in identifying reports associated with each Remote Site. The default name is the computer's hostname, but you can change it to better describe this Remote Site.
    • Enter the HTTP Address of the Remote Site's web interface. This is the address that the Central Site's browser will use to access this Remote Site. This address allows users to click links in the Central Site's web interface to open browser connections directly to the Remote Site's web interface (if the user has access permissions). Example: http://<Remote_Site_IP>:<Web_Server_Port> or Click Next.

      Note: The Remote Site's IP address must be accessible from the Central Site to enable drill-downs into this Remote Site installation from the Central Site. If inbound Web connections are not possible, only status information is available at the Central Site.

  10. Click Install to install the WhatsUp Gold Remote Site application files. When the installation completes, the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog appears.

    To see the release notes after the installation program closes, select View WhatsUp Gold release notes and documentation.

  11. Click Finish. The setup program closes.

Installing WhatsUp Gold Remote Site using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008

You can use an existing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008 to store the data collected by WhatsUp Gold Remote Site. To do this, these requirements must be met:

Important: Make sure that the "master" database for the existing SQL Server database instance that is hosting the WhatsUp database is configured to use case-insensitive collation.

Important: WhatsUp Gold Remote Site does not support non-English versions of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

If you need assistance configuring or verifying these prerequisites, contact your database administrator or refer to the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.

To install WhatsUp Gold Remote Site using an existing Microsoft SQL Server:

Important: WhatsUp Gold Remote Site systems running on Microsoft Windows Vista require a reboot during the install process if .NET 3.5 (SP1) has not been installed prior to the WhatsUp Gold Remote Site install.

  1. Log in directly to Microsoft Windows using the Administrator account (if you do not have an account called Administrator, use an account that has full administrative privileges to the computer).

    Caution: We do not recommend using Terminal Services or Remote Desktop to install WhatsUp Gold Remote Site.

    Note: When installing on Windows Vista, additional steps are necessary for the Task Tray application to work properly. For more information, see Task Tray Application fails on Windows Vista.

  2. Start the installation program:
    • If you downloaded an electronic version of WhatsUp Gold Remote Site, double-click on the downloaded file.
    • If you purchased a WhatsUp Gold Remote Site CD-ROM, insert the CD-ROM into the appropriate drive. If it does not run automatically, click Start, select Run, then enter the CD path followed by AutoRun.exe (for example, D:\AutoRun.exe).
  3. Read the Welcome screen.

    Click a button next to an additional resource to view that resource.

    Clear Hide advanced installation options. This checkbox must be cleared in order for you to use Microsoft SQL Server as the WhatsUp Gold Remote Site database.

    Click Next. The License Agreement dialog appears.

  4. Read the license agreement. If you accept the terms of the license agreement, select I accept the terms of the license agreement.
    • To print a copy of the license agreement, click Print. The license agreement is sent to the default printer.
    • If you do not accept the terms of the license agreement, click Cancel to exit the installation program.

      Click Next to continue. The Microsoft SQL Server Installation Options dialog appears.

  5. Select Use an existing installation of Microsoft SQL Server, then click Next. The Database Server Login dialog appears.
    1. In Database server that you are installing to, enter the hostname of your database server.

      Note: If you are using a database instance other than the default instance, you must include the instance name using the format <Server_Name>\<Instance_Name>.

      Tip: If you cannot remember your database server's hostname, click Browse to see a list of all database servers detected on the domain. Database servers to which you can connect but which are not configured on the same domain as the computer on which you are installing WhatsUp Gold Remote Site are not shown. The Browse dialog scans your entire domain, so it may take some time before a list of database servers appears.

    2. Select the appropriate authentication method for your database server.
      • If your database server is a member of a domain and is configured to accept Windows user names, select Windows authentication. The user whose credentials you use to run WhatsUp Gold Remote Site must be a member of the same domain as the database server.
      • If your database server requires SQL Server authentication, or if the Windows user account under which WhatsUp Gold Remote Site runs does not have access to the database server via Windows authentication, select SQL Server authentication using Login ID and password below, then enter the correct Login ID and Password.
    3. Click Next. The installation program attempts to validate the credentials. After the credentials are verified, the Enter Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Paths dialog appears.
  6. This dialog lists the third-party resources that the installation program installs, including Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition client tools (required for installations of WhatsUp Gold Remote Site that use Microsoft SQL Server databases) and Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.

    Click Next. The Choose Destination Location dialog appears.

  7. Select the installation directory for the WhatsUp Gold Remote Site application files.

    The default path is C:\Program Files\Ipswitch\WhatsUp. We recommend that you use the default path.

    Tip: You can install WhatsUp Gold Remote Site to a different location. To select a different location, click Change.

    After you select the installation directory, click Next.

    Note: If the installation program detects data from a previous installation of WhatsUp Gold Remote Site, the Back up Web and Report Files dialog appears. We recommend that you select Back up the existing Web and report files, then click Next.

    The Enable Web Server dialog appears.

  8. Determine if you want to enable the WhatsUp web server.
    • To enable the WhatsUp web server, select Yes and enter a port. The default port is 80.

      Note: You must select a port that is not already in use. If the port you enter is in use, you must enter a different port or stop the service using the entered port before you can continue installing WhatsUp Gold Remote Site. If you choose to stop the service running on the port you want to use, you must disable it permanently. If you only disable it temporarily, a port conflict will occur the next time the disabled service is started.

    • To use Microsoft Internet Information Services, select No, then see Configuring the web server.

      After making a selection, click Next.

  9. Note: If the firewall is enabled when WhatsUp Gold Remote Site is installed, the port you specify is opened in the Windows Firewall. This allows other computers on the network to log on to the WhatsUp Gold Remote Site Web interface.
  10. Enter the information required to connect to the Central Site.
    • In Address, enter the IP address of the Central Site.
    • In TCP Port, enter the port over which the Central Site is listening for connections from the Remote Sites (default port is 9394).

      Tip: After you have entered this information, you can click Test to validate the connection to the Central Site.

    • Enter the User Name and Password that the Remote Site uses to access the Central Site.

      Note: This is the User Name and Password that you set in the Central Site installation program.

      Click Next.

  11. Define the information used to identify the Remote Site to the Central Site.
    • Enter the Remote Site Display Name. This is the Remote Site name that the Central Site uses to identify this Remote Site (for example, Atlanta Office). This name is particularly helpful in identifying reports associated with each Remote Site. The default name is the computer's hostname, but you can change it to better describe this Remote Site.
    • Enter the HTTP Address of the Remote Site's web interface. This is the address that the Central Site's browser will use to access this Remote Site. This address allows users to click links in the Central Site's web interface to open browser connections directly to the Remote Site's web interface (if the user has access permissions). Example: http://<Remote_Site_IP>:<Web_Server_Port> or Click Next.

      Note: The Remote Site's IP address must be accessible from the Central Site to enable drill-downs into this Remote Site installation from the Central Site. If inbound Web connections are not possible, only status information is available at the Central Site.

  12. Click Install to install the WhatsUp Gold Remote Site application files. When the installation completes, the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog appears.

    To see the release notes after the installation program closes, select View WhatsUp Gold release notes and documentation.

  13. Click Finish. The setup program closes.