
This object is used to send SNMP requests to a remote device.

Initialize or Initialize2 must be called prior to any other members.

CoreAsp.SnmpRqst uses a three step process:

  1. Calls Initialize or Initialize2 to initialize the object against a particular device.
  2. Sets optional parameters such as timeout value, port, etc.
  3. Performs any number of Get, GetNext, GetMultiple or Set operations against a device. Those operations return an ComSnmpResponse object that contains the status of the operation and the value either directly (use Failed/GetValue/GetOid) or as a list of SNMP variable binding returned as XML data (use GetPayload).





    Initializes the SnmpRqst object for the device with the device ID specified in nDeviceID. If a device is not configured with a valid SNMP credential, the operation will fail.

    • nDeviceID. A positive integer corresponding to the device ID of a device configured in WhatsUp Gold.

    Tip: In Active Script Monitor and Script Performance Monitors, the device ID of the device to which the monitor is assigned can be obtained from the Context object:

    ComResult object


    Initializes the SnmpRqst object by creating a connection to a device using the IP address of a device and a credential stored in WhatsUp Gold. This method can be used to initialize SnmpRqst for a device that is not configured in WhatsUp Gold as long as the credentials for the device are configured in the credential library.

    • sDeviceAddress. The address or hostname of the device to be queried.
    • nCredentialID. A positive integer corresponding to the credential ID of a credential configured in WhatsUp Gold.

    ComResult object


    Sets the timeout value in milliseconds. If not specified, the timeout defaults to 2000 milliseconds.

    • nTimeoutInMilliSec. A positive integer representing the number of milliseconds after which unresolved requests should be terminated.

    ComResult object


    Sets the number of times to retry a request that has timed out. If not specified, failed requests are retried one time.

    • nNumberRetries. A positive integer representing the number of times to retry timed out requests.

    Tip: To send only one SNMP packet per request, set nNumberRetries to 0 (zero).

    ComResult object


    Sets the TCP/IP port to be used by SnmpRqst. If not specified, port 161 is used.

    • nPort. A positive integer between 1 and 65535 corresponding to the port to be used.

    ComResult object


    Issues an SNMP Get command to retrieve the value of the specified object.

    • sOid. A string containing a valid OID.

    ComSnmpResponse object


    Issues an SNMP GetNext command to retrieve the value of the object that follows the specified object in lexicographic order.

    • sOid. A string containing a valid OID.

    ComSnmpResponse object


    Issues an SNMP Get command for each of the objects specified. GetMultiple sends all commands in a single SNMP protocol data unit, so it is more efficient than issuing multiple Get commands independently.

    • sListOfOids. A comma-separated list of valid OIDs.

    ComSnmpResponse object


    Issues an SNMP Set command to set an OID value on a device.

    • sOid. A string containing a valid OID for the object for which you want to set the value.
    • sType. A single character corresponding to the type of value to set.

      i = integer

      u = unsigned integer

      s = string

      x = hexadecimal string

      d = decimal string

      n = NULL object

      o = object ID

      t = timeticks

      a = IPv4 address

      b = bits

    • sValue. A string containing the value to set.

    ComSnmpResponse object

Note: The Set function will not work unless the MIB object and the community string for the device have the Read Write access right.