Use SNMP GetNext.

Note: This example is provided as an illustration only and is not supported. Technical support is available for the Context object, SNMP API, and scripting environment, but Ipswitch does not provide support for JScript, VBScript, or developing and debugging Active Script monitors or actions. For assistance with this example or with writing your own scripts, visit the WhatsUp Gold user community.

This performance monitor walks the hrStorageType MIB to find hard disks in the storage table. After a hard disk is found, it obtains indexes of it and polls new objects (the storage size and units).

// This scripts walks hrStorageType to find hard disks in the storage table.
// A hard disk as a hrStorageType of "" (hrStorageFixedDisk).
// Then it gets the indexes of the hard disk in that table and for each index, it polls two new
// objects in that table, the storage size and the units of that entry.
// It adds everything up and converts it in Gigabytes.
var hrStorageType = "";

// Create and initialize the snmp object
var oSnmpRqst = new ActiveXObject("CoreAsp.SnmpRqst");
var nDeviceID = Context.GetProperty("DeviceID");
var oResult = oSnmpRqst.Initialize(nDeviceID);

var arrIndexes = new Array(); // array containing the indexes of the disks we found
// walk the column in the table:
var oSnmpResponse = oSnmpRqst.GetNext(hrStorageType);
if (oSnmpResponse.Failed) Context.SetResult(1, oSnmpResponse.GetPayload);
var sOid = String(oSnmpResponse.GetOid);
var sPayload = String(oSnmpResponse.GetPayload);

while (!oSnmpResponse.Failed && sOid < (hrStorageType + ".99999999999"))
if (sPayload == "") {
// This storage entry is a disk, add the index to the table.
// the index is the last element of the OID:
var arrOid = sOid.split(".");
arrIndexes.push(arrOid[arrOid.length - 1]);

oSnmpResponse = oSnmpRqst.GetNext(sOid);
if (oSnmpResponse.Failed) Context.SetResult(1, oSnmpResponse.GetPayload);
sOid = String(oSnmpResponse.GetOid);
sPayload = String(oSnmpResponse.GetPayload);
Context.LogMessage("Found disk indexes: " + arrIndexes.toString());
if (arrIndexes.length == 0) Context.SetResult(1, "No disk found");

// now that we have the indexes of the disks. Poll their utilization and units
var nTotalDiskSize = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arrIndexes.length; i++) {

oSnmpResponse = oSnmpRqst.Get("" + arrIndexes[i])
if (oSnmpResponse.Failed) Context.SetResult(1, oSnmpResponse.GetPayload);
nSize = oSnmpResponse.GetPayload;
oSnmpResponse = oSnmpRqst.Get("" + arrIndexes[i])
if (oSnmpResponse.Failed) Context.SetResult(1, oSnmpResponse.GetPayload);
nUnits = oSnmpResponse.GetPayload;

nTotalDiskSize += (nSize * nUnits);
// return the total size in gigabytes.
Context.SetValue(nTotalDiskSize / 1024 / 1024 / 1024); // output in Gigabytes