Using the database backup and restore backup utility for Flow Monitor

You can back up your complete Flow Monitor SQL Server database and archive database to any mapped directory you have on your network. Database backups are saved as .dat files and can be restored at any time. Restoring a .dat file overwrites your current database with the data in a .dat file.

Important: Make sure that you close the Discovery Console before running a database restore. Running the Discovery Console while running a database restore could crash the console.

Important: You can use this feature with any local instance of SQL Server whose databases are named Netflow and NFArchive. This feature does not work with remote databases.

Important: We strongly suggest that you backup and restore the Netflow database and archive database as a set. When you backup the Netflow database, you should also backup the archive database. Similarly, when you restore the Netflow database, you should restore the archive database to the version that was most recently generated by the Netflow database.

If you want to back up the SQL database to a mapped drive, the Logon settings for the SQL Server (WHATSUP) (or your customized SQL service) must have write access to the mapped drive.

To change the SQL database logon settings:

  1. Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, then double-click the SQL Server (WHATSUP) service. The SQL Service Properties dialog appears.
  2. Click the Log On tab on the Properties dialog.
  3. Change the account logon settings as required.

Note: This is a complete backup and restore, so any change that you make after the backup will be overwritten and lost after restoring a backup.

To access the Database Utilities Backup and Restore features:

From the main menu in the WhatsUp Gold console, select Tools > Database Utilities > Back Up Flow Monitor Current or Archive Database
- or -
select Tools > Database Utilities > Restore Flow Monitor Current or Archive Database