Column filtering

Each data grid view allows you to show and hide its columns. This feature provides a powerful filtering capability so that you may structure your views in a way that brings the data into a form that you find most useful as a network administrator.

To show and hide columns in a data grid view:

  1. Right-click a column heading in the data grid view. A list displaying all the columns that are displayed in that data grid appears; only columns with checks are displayed in the data grid.
  2. To show a column, click the name of the column that you want to display in the grid. The data grid updates automatically.
  3. To hide a column, clear the check from column that you would like to remove from the grid. The data grid updates automatically.
  4. To close the column list options, click anywhere outside of the list box.

Note: Show and hide selections are not persistent between different sessions of WhatsConnected. When you close the current session of WhatsConnected, data grid views return to their default display settings.