About the Links View

The Links View is a spreadsheet-like view that displays all known topology links in the network discovery file. This view provides a concise list of all of your network connections.

Link View

Data displayed in this view can be printed, print previewed, or saved to a text file, comma-separated-value (CSV) file for use in Microsoft Excel, or a .PDF. For more information, see About data grid views.

To view the Links view:

  1. From the main menu of the WhatsConnected console, select View > Links. The Links view appears.

    Tip: You can also view links from the WhatsConnected console shortcut menu. Click Links shortcut icon (Links shortcut icon). The Links dialog appears.

  2. View the following information about the links:
    • Local Link. Shows the local side of a connection. This connection is the Display Name of the device, and if available, the interface information.
    • Remote Link. Shows the remote side of a connection. The connection is the Display Name of the remote device, and any available interface information.
  3. Click Close to close the Links dialog.