
The installation program can automatically upgrade WhatsUp Gold v11 and later. The installation program delivers new application files and upgrades the database. The installation program automatically upgrades databases on Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Edition, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

Note: WhatsUp Gold v12.3 or later introduces automatic database upgrades. It is no longer necessary to manually execute SQL scripts to upgrade a non-standard database.

Note: If you are using Microsoft SQL Server 2000, you must upgrade to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008 prior to upgrading WhatsUp Gold. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is no longer supported by WhatsUp Gold.

Tip: To upgrade from an older version than WhatsUp Gold v11, you must follow a supported upgrade path. For more information on supported upgrade paths, see the Updating from versions 8.x, 2005, or 2006 to v14.0 Knowledge Base article or refer to the WhatsUp Gold Answers repository.

If the database is currently hosted on Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Edition or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition but you want to migrate your database to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008, complete the upgrade on the existing database, then follow the steps outlined in the WhatsUp Gold Database Migration Guide.

To upgrade from a previous version of WhatsUp Gold:

Important: WhatsUp Gold systems running on Microsoft Windows Vista require a reboot during the install process if .NET 3.5 (SP1) has not been installed prior to the WhatsUp Gold install.

  1. Log in directly to Microsoft Windows using the Administrator account (if you do not have an account called Administrator, use an account that has full administrative privileges to the computer).

    Caution: We do not recommend using Terminal Services or Remote Desktop to install WhatsUp Gold.

    Note: When installing on Windows Vista, additional steps are necessary for the Task Tray application to work properly. For more information, see Task Tray Application fails on Windows Vista.

  2. Start the installation program:
    • If you downloaded an electronic version of WhatsUp Gold, double-click on the downloaded file.
    • If you purchased a WhatsUp Gold CD-ROM, insert the CD-ROM into the appropriate drive. If it does not run automatically, click Start, select Run, then enter the CD path followed by AutoRun.exe (for example, D:\AutoRun.exe).
  3. Read the notice about device limit enforcement.
    • Select Yes to continue the upgrade.
    • Select No to abort the upgrade.

      Note: If you upgrade and you are currently managing more devices than your license allows, WhatsUp Gold will not poll your devices after the upgrade until you take additional action. To find out more about how device limits work and to determine if you are affected, see Are you managing more devices than your license allows?.

  4. Read the Welcome screen.

    Click a button next to an additional resource to view that resource.

    Important: During the upgrade process, WhatsUp Gold services and monitoring are stopped.

    Click Next. The License Agreement dialog appears.

  5. Read the license agreement. If you accept the terms of the license agreement, select I accept the terms of the license agreement.
    • To print a copy of the license agreement, click Print. The license agreement is sent to the default printer.
    • If you do not accept the terms of the license agreement, click Cancel to exit the installation program.

      Click Next. The Back Up Existing Database dialog appears.

  6. Since the installation program makes changes to the WhatsUp Gold database, we strongly recommend that you select Yes, back up the existing database.

    Note: If you are upgrading from an installation of WhatsUp Gold 11.x that uses Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Edition as its database, you can select the location where you want to store the backup. For all other upgrades, the backup is made in the default backup location for the database server.

    Click Next.The Back Up Web and Report Files dialog appears.

  7. If you have modified any of the Web or Report files, select Back up the existing Web and report files. If this option is selected, the existing Web and report files are copied to a backup folder before the upgrade begins. We recommend that you select this option.

    Click Next. The Ready to Install the Program dialog appears.

  8. Click Install. The installation program begins upgrading WhatsUp Gold.
  9. When the installation completes, the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog appears.

    To see the release notes after the installation program closes, select View WhatsUp Gold release notes and documentation.

    Click Finish. The setup program closes.

IIS Web server support

Refer to the Help topic, Using IIS on Windows XP or Windows 2003, if using the IIS 6 Web server for Windows XP or Windows 2003.

Refer to the Help topics, Using IIS on Windows Vista or Using IIS on Windows 2008, if using the IIS7 Web server for Windows Vista or Windows 2008.