Installing WhatsUp Gold

Note: The Release Notes contain the most up-to-date information about installing WhatsUp Gold. Read the release notes to prior to installing to be aware of any potential installation issues.

Before installing WhatsUp Gold, you must decide where you want to store the network management data WhatsUp Gold generates.

By default, WhatsUp Gold installs Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition on the same computer where WhatsUp Gold is installed. This configuration works well for most networks. However, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition has a database size limit of 4 GB which may be too small to contain the data collected on larger networks.

Alternatively, you can configure WhatsUp Gold to use an existing Microsoft SQL Server database. Microsoft SQL Server is not limited in size like Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, but it does require a knowledgable database administrator to configure and maintain it.

Note: The installation instructions in this document apply only to WhatsUp Gold Standard Edition and WhatsUp Gold Premium Edition. For installation instructions for WhatsUp Gold Distributed Edition or WhatsUp Gold MSP Edition, see WhatsUp Gold Distributed Edition Deployment Guide or WhatsUp Gold MSP Edition Deployment Guide.