Configuring Device Types

Use the Device Types dialog to create or modify a custom device type mapping. To do this, you enter an SNMP OID (sysObjectID) and select a device category for which to map a device. For more information about SNMP OIDs, refer to your device documentation or the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) web site.

To configure Device Types:

  1. From the main menu of the WhatsConnected console, select Configure > Device Type Mappings. The SNMP OID to Device Type Configuration dialog appears.
  2. Use the following options to create and edit device types:
    • New. Click to create a new device type configuration (mapping).
      • sysObject ID (OID). Enter the SNMP OID (sysObjectID) for which you want to map a device. For more information about SNMP OIDs, refer to your device documentation or the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) web site.
      • Include Subtree. Select to include the device OID subtree entries in the device type configuration.
      • Category. Select a device type category for which to map the device.
      • Vendor/Manufacturer. Enter the vendor or manufacturer name.
      • Model. Enter the vendor or manufacturer model.
      • Description. Enter the vendor or manufacturer description.
    • Edit. Select a device in the OID Maps list to modify the current settings.
    • Copy. Select a device in the OID Maps list to copy an existing OID Map and modify it to create a new OID Map.
    • Delete. Select a device in the OID Maps list to delete an existing OID Map.
  3. Click OK to make changes.