Stopping notifications

After resolving a problem, you can stop proceeding steps in a notification policy using the Stop Notification dialog.

To stop a notification policy:

  1. Go to the Running Notification Policies report:
    • From the web interface, click GO. The GO menu appears.
    • If the WhatsUp section is not visible, click WhatsUp. The WhatsUp section of the GO menu appears.
    • Select Alert Center > Running Notification Policies. The Alert Center Running Notifications report appears.
  2. Next to the notification policy that you want to stop, click Stop notification... . The Stop Notification dialog appears.
  3. Click Stop to prevent further steps in the notification policy from firing.

    Tip: Before stopping the policy, you can send a message to the recipients listed in this dialog to notify them that you have resolved the problem and are stopping the notification policy from this point forward.

    If you choose to do so, select Send a message to the recipients listed above, and enter a Subject and Body for the message.