About the Device Categories view right-click menu

The Device Categories right-click menu allows you to manage your device categories. From the right-click menu you can add a device category, edit an existing category, delete a category, or show and/or hide a category from the device category list.

To add a device category:

  1. From the main menu of the WhatsConnected console, select View > Device Categories. The Device Categories view appears.

    Tip: You can also view device categories from the WhatsConnected console shortcut menu. Click Device Category shortcut icon (Device Categories shortcut icon). The Device Categories dialog appears.

  2. Anywhere inside of the Device Categories list, right-click. The right-click menu appears.
  3. Select Add Category. The Device Category Configuration dialog appears.
  4. Enter or select the appropriate information in the dialog fields.
    • Enter the Category Name that is displayed in the Device Category Configuration dialog.

      Note: Category names must be unique, and after they have been created cannot be edited.

    • Enter the Display label that is displayed for the category in the device category view.
    • Enter or Browse to the Icon filename that is used to represent all devices in this category.
    • Select Network device to identify the category as a network infrastructure device.
  5. Click OK to save changes.

To edit a device category:

  1. From the main menu of the WhatsConnected console, select View > Device Categories. The Device Categories view appears.

    Tip: You can also view device categories from the WhatsConnected console shortcut menu. Click Device Category shortcut icon (Device Categories shortcut icon). The Device Categories dialog appears.

  2. In the Device Categories list, right-click the category you want to modify. The right-click menu appears.
  3. Select Edit Category. The Device Category Configuration dialog appears.

    Note: You cannot edit default device categories.

  4. Enter or select the appropriate information in the dialog fields.
    • Enter the Display label that is displayed for the category in the device category view.
    • Enter or Browse to the Icon filename that is used to represent all devices in this category.
    • Select Network device to identify the category as a network infrastructure device.
  5. Click OK to save changes.

To delete a device category:

  1. From the main menu of the WhatsConnected console, select View > Device Categories. The Device Categories view appears.

    Tip: You can also view device categories from the WhatsConnected console shortcut menu. Click Device Category shortcut icon (Device Categories shortcut icon). The Device Categories dialog appears.

  2. In the Device Categories list, right-click the category you want to remove. The right-click menu appears.
  3. Select Delete Category. The category is removed from the device category list.

    Note: You cannot delete default device categories.

To hide a device category:

  1. From the main menu of the WhatsConnected console, select View > Device Categories. The Device Categories view appears.

    Tip: You can also view device categories from the WhatsConnected console shortcut menu. Click Device Category shortcut icon (Device Categories shortcut icon). The Device Categories dialog appears.

  2. In the Device Categories list, right-click the category you want to hide, then click Hide Category. The device category is hidden and no longer appears in the category list.

To show a hidden device category:

  1. From the main menu of the WhatsConnected console, select View > Device Categories. The Device Categories view appears.

    Tip: You can also view device categories from the WhatsConnected console shortcut menu. Click Device Category shortcut icon (Device Categories shortcut icon). The Device Categories dialog appears.

  2. At the top of the device category list, right-click Network. The right-click menu appears.
  3. Under Show Hidden Category, select the hidden category that you want to show. If there are several hidden categories, select Show All to show all of the hidden categories. The selected device categories appear in the device category list.