About the WhatsConfigured Custom Script Language

WhatsConfigured users can write custom scripts that log in to devices through Telnet or SSH and run CLI commands on their devices. Scripts can be used to configure devices or to capture information about them in the WhatsUp Gold database. For example, the following script uses Cisco IOS commands to capture a Cisco device's running configuration in the WhatsUp Gold database under the "running-config" key.


# Cisco IOS Backup Running Configuration


# login to the device


#enter privileged mode


# display the running configuration of the device and capture it in the WUG database [running-config] show run

# logout from the device

[-] exit

The WhatsConfigured custom script language is relatively simple and consists primarily of command-line interface (CLI) commands. The language is not meant to be a full-featured scripting language, such as JavaScript or VBScript, but rather is kept simple so that is accessible to all levels of WhatsConfigured users, including those with minimal programming skills.

The custom script language has three possible elements:

Each of these elements will be explained in detail in the following sections.