Storing WhatsConfigured command output in the WhatsUp Gold database

Most WhatsConfigured script commands return the output received from the device when the command was executed. For example, the "show run" command on Cisco devices displays the running configuration of the device. Or, on a Linux device, the "ls-al" command displays the contents of the current working directory. It is sometimes desirable to capture the output of the WhatsConfigured command and store it in the WhatsUp Gold database. To facilitate the storage of command output in the WhatsUp Gold database, a command can be preceded by a KEY which specifies the key under which the command's output should be restored in the WhatsUp Gold database. For example, the following command stores its output under the "running-config" key in the WhatsUp Gold database.

[running-config] show run

This means, execute the "show run" command and store its output in the WhatsUp Gold database under the "running-config" key.

Note: Key names can include dashes, underscores, and alphanumeric characters (-,_,a-z, A-Z). However, spaces are not allowed in key names.