Example: SQL Server Monitor

To monitor user activity on an SQL Server, you can create a monitor called SQLUser, then select Users as the only parameter to monitor.

  1. Open the Active Monitor Library.
    • From the web interface, click GO. The GO menu appears.
    • If the WhatsUp section is not visible, click WhatsUp. The WhatsUp section of the GO menu appears.
    • Select Configure > Active Monitor Library. The Active Monitor Library appears.
  2. Click New. The Select Active Monitor Type dialog appears.
  3. Select SQL Server Monitor and click OK. The New SQL Server Monitor dialog appears.
    1. In the Name box, enter SQLUser.
    2. In the SQL Server Instance Name box, enter the name of your database.
    3. Make sure that Users is the only parameter that has a check in the box to the left of it. You will need to clear the selections for the other parameters and also for the processes.
    4. Click the Users parameter to select it, then click Configure. The Users Threshold dialog appears. You should have in mind how many users or connections you want to consider as a threshold, and enter those values in the appropriate boxes on the dialog.
    5. When finished, click OK to add the SQLUser monitor to the Active Monitor Library.
  4. Add the SQLUser monitor to your SQL server device.
    1. In the device list, select the device that represents the SQL server. Right-click the device, then select Properties. Select Active Monitors.
    2. Click Add. The Active Monitor wizard appears.

      Select the SQLUser monitor and continue with the wizard to add to configure actions for the monitor.

      For more information on setting up an action, see Configuring an action.

      After you complete the wizard, the monitor immediately begins to monitor the SQL Server application.