Using a Text-to-Speech Action

The Text-To-Speech Action sends a text-to-speech notification to a specified computer.

Note: If you want to use a text-to-speech action on a Windows 2003 or Windows 2008 server class remote desktop (RDP) system, you need to enable audio mapping in the Terminal Services Configuration.

1. In Windows, click Start > Run, in the Run dialog enter TSCC.msc, then click OK.
2. In the Connections folder, double-click RDP-tcp. The RDP-TCP Properties dialog appears.
3. Select the Client Settings tab, then click to clear the Audio Mapping check box.

To configure a Text-to-Speech Action:

  1. Go to the Action Library:
    • From the web interface, click GO. The GO menu appears.
    • If the WhatsUp section is not visible, click WhatsUp. The WhatsUp section of the GO menu appears.
    • Select Configure > Action Library. The Action Library appears.

      - or -

    • From the main menu bar of the console, select Configure > Action Library. The Action Library appears.
  2. In the Action Library, do one of the following:
    • Click New, then select Text-to-Speech Action.

      - or -

    • Select an existing Text-to-Speech Action, then click Edit.

      The action properties page appears.

  3. Enter or select the appropriate information in the following fields.
    • Name. Enter a unique name for this action.
    • Description. Enter a short description of the action. This is displayed in the Action Library along with the entry in Name.
    • Speak Rate. Select how fast the voice speaks the message.
    • Volume. Select the volume of the message.
    • Message. Enter any text message you want audibly repeated. Your own text can be used in addition to percent variables.
  4. Click OK to save changes.